Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013
Bahagiakah Kamu dengan Dirimu Sendiri?
Setiap orang pernah menghadapi ketidakpuasan dalam dirinya sendiri. Teman saya setelah 2 bulan training di tempat kerja mengeluhkan berat badannya yang naik dan bentuk badannya yang 'melar ke samping'.
Begitu pula denganku.
Tapi yang sumber dari ketidakpuasanku adalah kecenderunganku untuk merasa sedih kalau tidak diperhatikan. Aku sedih kalau melihat temanku yang dengan mudahnya bisa menciptakan percakapan yang seru dan mengumpulkan teman-teman yang banyak. Sementara aku orangnya pendiam, ingin bisa menciptakan suasana yang ramai tapi aku bingung mau ngomong apa.
Sampai suatu saat aku berdialog dengan diriku sendiri. Aku merasa tidak bahagia. Tapi benarkah aku tidak bahagia? Mengapa aku tidak bahagia? Karena aku merasa tidak diperhatikan. Apa benar aku tidak diperhatikan? Mengapa kalau tidak diperhatikan aku merasa tidak bahagia?
Serangkaian proses dialog terus berlanjut dengan pertanyaan mengapa, mengapa dan mengapa. Dan akhirnya aku mencapai kesimpulan, ternyata semua hal yang membuat aku merasa tidak bahagia berasal dari persepsiku sendiri. Ternyata tidak benar kalau aku tidak diperhatikan karena realitasnya di luar sana ada orang yang iri pada saya. Menurutnya saya ini pintar (padahal nggak gitu gitu amat hehehe...) Ternyata kalau sedang tidak diperhatikan saya punya lebih banyak waktu untuk mengenali diri saya, kelebihan dan kekurangan saya, juga merancang strategi untuk mencapai hal-hal yang saya inginkan.
Jadi kalau kamu merasa ngga bahagia, terus gali-gali lagi apa yang sebetulnya bikin kamu nggak bahagia. Kenali diri kamu, dan terimalah apa adanya kamu baik kelebihan dan kekuranganmu. Kalau sudah mengenali diri sendiri, jadilah versi terbaik dari dirimu. Inspire the world!
Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012
Perawatan Untuk Kulit Berpori-pori Besar dan Berminyak
Kulitku ini pori-porinya besar-besar dan berminyak. Mesti pinter-pinter milih produk perawatan wajah. Kalau pake produk untuk kulit berminyak, emang sih jerawat jadi berkurang tapi kulit jadi makin kering. Terus komedo yang dari dulu demen nangkring jadi makin keliatan. Tapi kalo pakai untuk kulit kering, kulit jadi makin berminyak.
Aku pakai rangkaian produk Natasha Skin Care buat ngatasin masalah kulitku. Abis 3 bulan perawatan, kulit jadi keliatan mulus dan halus, udah enggak kusam lagi. tapi sejak ikutan aikido, aku jadi agak menghindari facial. Soalnya mestinya abis facial, langsung pulang ke rumah dan ngga ke mana-mana biar kulit 'istirahat', bebas dari terpaan debu. Kenyataannya, aku sekarang udah ngga punya waktu banyak. Setiap hari aku mesti latihan untuk mempersiapkan grading kenaikan sabuk. Jadinya abis facial terus kena matras, jadi makin bermunculan deh komedonya.
Dengan perawatan kulit harian cara biasa, cuci muka pake facial wash, pakai toner, terus krim pagi ato krim malam, kulit jadi keliatan cerah lagi. Tapi komedo yang muncul tetap banyak karena pori-pori kulitku besar. Nggak lucu banget deh, dari jauh keliatan putih dan cerah tapi dari dekat keliatan kasar dan banyak "wijennya".
Terus aku ngga sengaja lihat postingan Biore Women's World di Facebook yang ngebahas cara cuci muka yang bener. Pertama, lap dulu muka pakai handuk yang dibasahi air hangat. Air hangat dipakai untuk membuka pori-pori untuk mengeluarkan kotoran yang "ngendon" di dalam kulit.
Step #2: pakai facial wash sambil agak ditekan-tekan atau dipijat.Step #3: Bilas muka pakai air dingin. Air dingin fungsinya untuk menutup pori-pori.
Hasilnya lumayan oke nih. Pertama pake cara ini kulit jadi lebih berasa halus. Tapi untuk lebih ngeluarin komedo, aku pake Peeling Cream dari Wardah abis disaranin ama temen. Jadi abis ngelap muka pakai handuk hangat, aku olesin Peeling Cream Wardah sambil agak dipijat. Baru abis itu cuci pakai Facial Wash.
Aku langung cocok sama Peeling Cream Wardah. Selain terjamin kehalalannya, scrubnya justru melembabkan kulit, ngga bikin kulit kering. Tapi makenya juga jangan keseringan. Di petunjuk pemakaiannya, facial scrub ini dipakenya maksimal seminggu sekali. Ngga boleh dipakein ke kulit yang sensitif dan sedang berjerawat.
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012
Wearing Hijab Headband Without Pain
Wearing headband behind hijab is important to keep your hair neat and not "running" over your forehead. Unfortunately, sometimes headband behind hijab (so called with inner hijab) are uncomfortable yet so tight so it cause our ears feels painful. But some of headbands is comfortable enough to wear. Although they not so thight, they not easily loose. Here they are:
The black headband on the left side is lace headband. These headband made from stretch fabric.They are the product of Shafira, one of the most famous muslim fashion brand in Indonesia. Since they are very comfortable, they are more expensive than common inner hijab. The blue inner hijab worth Rp. 25.000,00 and the black one worth Rp. 15.000.00. You'll get 10% off if you have Shafira member card!
Inner hijab above is product of Hessa, one of my favourite brand due to its stylish and unique design, and of course cheap!
Another comfortable inner hijab is 2 in 1 inner hijab. It looks like 2 inner hijab wore together.
These inner hijab is not branded but cool. They made from cotton.
The black headband on the left side is lace headband. These headband made from stretch fabric.They are the product of Shafira, one of the most famous muslim fashion brand in Indonesia. Since they are very comfortable, they are more expensive than common inner hijab. The blue inner hijab worth Rp. 25.000,00 and the black one worth Rp. 15.000.00. You'll get 10% off if you have Shafira member card!
Inner hijab above is product of Hessa, one of my favourite brand due to its stylish and unique design, and of course cheap!
Another comfortable inner hijab is 2 in 1 inner hijab. It looks like 2 inner hijab wore together.
These inner hijab is not branded but cool. They made from cotton.
Jumat, 30 November 2012
My Battle Against Anxiety
I have anxiety problem. I always feel anxious everytime I wan to do something. I feel all bad things gonna happen. All my effort are going to failure.
This anxiety cause psychosomatic problem to my body. I start have problem in my liver. I got itch on my skin. While consulting to doctor, he said that it was caused by anxiety.
Then I went to psycholog to help me solve the problem. She ask me when I start feeling anxious. Since when. How is my childhood circumstances. How is my nowadays.
She found that my life is full with strain. My parents always push me to keep everythings right, to do everything perfectly, no fault at all. They always push me study hard to enter the best school. They push me to remember all the answer of their question for History subject. They told me to answer Math correctly. Even my father scold me when I fall from bicycle (what's wrong with fall from bicycle? It only hurt you for a second!). These process make me succeed to finish my education in the best school but the same time make me sick!
Simply my parents push me to do everything perfect. If I got fail, they always remind me of these failure. It fill my heads with failure and mistake.
So the psycholog ask me to fight against negative thinking. She ask me to write down my feelings every time I feel anxious. First, I wrote the circumstances and what I feel at the moment. Second, I wrote about the things make me feel anxious. I wrote how many percent is my anxiety. Then, she told me to write down the things that didn't support my feeling. The thing that make me feel I shouldn't be anxious at all. I was surprised that they are soooo much things that make me feel free from anxiety! I've made many achievement. I got the best score for National Exam while I'm in Elementary School! I've succeed to enter the best school in town. Instead thinking of my failure, I'd better think about my achievement than my failure and mistakes.
Until this writing being published, I still fight against it-is-useless-to-do-because-you-will-fail feeling. But at least I don't feel anxious anymore.
This anxiety cause psychosomatic problem to my body. I start have problem in my liver. I got itch on my skin. While consulting to doctor, he said that it was caused by anxiety.
Then I went to psycholog to help me solve the problem. She ask me when I start feeling anxious. Since when. How is my childhood circumstances. How is my nowadays.
She found that my life is full with strain. My parents always push me to keep everythings right, to do everything perfectly, no fault at all. They always push me study hard to enter the best school. They push me to remember all the answer of their question for History subject. They told me to answer Math correctly. Even my father scold me when I fall from bicycle (what's wrong with fall from bicycle? It only hurt you for a second!). These process make me succeed to finish my education in the best school but the same time make me sick!
Simply my parents push me to do everything perfect. If I got fail, they always remind me of these failure. It fill my heads with failure and mistake.
So the psycholog ask me to fight against negative thinking. She ask me to write down my feelings every time I feel anxious. First, I wrote the circumstances and what I feel at the moment. Second, I wrote about the things make me feel anxious. I wrote how many percent is my anxiety. Then, she told me to write down the things that didn't support my feeling. The thing that make me feel I shouldn't be anxious at all. I was surprised that they are soooo much things that make me feel free from anxiety! I've made many achievement. I got the best score for National Exam while I'm in Elementary School! I've succeed to enter the best school in town. Instead thinking of my failure, I'd better think about my achievement than my failure and mistakes.
Until this writing being published, I still fight against it-is-useless-to-do-because-you-will-fail feeling. But at least I don't feel anxious anymore.
Mango Tweed Jacket for Party
One day my friend invite me to attend her wedding party. I only have 2 dresses actually since I am a tomboyish girl and I feel bored to wear one of those dresses. So o decided to wear my Mango tweed jacket with wide leg pants and voila! Ready to rock the party!
I bought this jacket 1 day before. While buying this, I didn't imagine to wear it to the party at all! Actually I bought it because it's fabric looks like Chanel coat I've seen in Singapore worth 6000 SG$. This jacket is far much cheaper though!
I bought this jacket 1 day before. While buying this, I didn't imagine to wear it to the party at all! Actually I bought it because it's fabric looks like Chanel coat I've seen in Singapore worth 6000 SG$. This jacket is far much cheaper though!
Sabtu, 24 November 2012
Apakah Hamas Menang?
Tulisan ini berawal dari "eker-ekeran" (bahasa Surabaya: perang mulut) antara saya dengan teman saya yang keukeuh bahwa perang Palestina-Israel kali ini dimenangi oleh Israel. Alasan dia adalah keberhasilan Israel untuk membunuh tokoh-tokoh sentral Hamas seperti Ahmed Jabari, Habs Hassan Us Msamch, Ahmed Abu Jalal, dan tokoh-tokoh lainnya. Sementara itu selain di pihak Palestina memakan lebih banyak korban, Hamas juga gagal untuk mencapai target tokoh Israel tertentu.
Namun bagi saya Hamas tahun ini jauh lebih kuat daripada tahun-tahun yang lalu. Saya anggap Hamas kali ini menang karena pertama, roket Fajr-5 milik Hamas untuk pertama kalinya berhasil mencapai Tel Aviv dan Yerusalem. Untuk pertama kalinya sejak Perang
Teluk 1991, alarm peringatan serangan udara di Tel Aviv berbunyi.
“But Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian faction, said on Thursday that it had launched a Fajr-5 at Tel Aviv, triggering the city's first air raid alert since it was hit by Iraqi Scuds during the 1991 Gulf war.” (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/nov/16/fajr5-missile-gaza-israel-iran). Ini membuktikan kemampuan perang Hamas melawan Israel yang bersenjata lengkap.
“But Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian faction, said on Thursday that it had launched a Fajr-5 at Tel Aviv, triggering the city's first air raid alert since it was hit by Iraqi Scuds during the 1991 Gulf war.” (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/nov/16/fajr5-missile-gaza-israel-iran). Ini membuktikan kemampuan perang Hamas melawan Israel yang bersenjata lengkap.
Kedua, tujuan serangan Israel ke Gaza sebagaimana dilansir dalam website IDF adalah untuk menghancurkan organisasi Hamas dan untuk melindungi rakyat Israel. Dalam blog IDF disebutkan bahwa
"On November 14, in response to incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip,
the IDF launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza.
The operation, called Pillar of Defense, had two main goals: cripple
terror organizations in the Gaza Strip and defend Israelis living under
fire." (http://www.idfblog.com/2012/11/22/operation-pillar-of-defense-summary-of-events)
Kenyataannya, kedua tujuan itu juga tidak tercapai meskipun Israel berhasil membunuh sejumlah tokoh Hamas. Tokoh-tokoh Hamas yang terbunuh hanya akan digantikan oleh orang lainnya sebagaimana peribahasa "patah satu tumbuh seribu"
beberapa isi dari hasil perundingan damai adalah Israel harus membuka
penyebarangan dan mempermudah pergerakan orang dan barang, tidak
membatasi pergerakan warga dan berurusan dengan prosedur pelaksanaan
selama 24 jam. Padahal sejak tahun 2007 semua perbatasan Jalur Gaza dari
Israel diblokade. Bahkan bantuan kemanusiaanpun tidak bisa masuk kesana.
(http://www.voa-islam.com/news/world-world/2012/11/22/21882/isi-teks-kesepakan-gencatan-senjata-hamas-zionis-israel/). Keberhasilan Hamas di meja perundingan membuktikan posisi tawar Hamas yang lebih kuat sehingga dapat memaksakan klausul untuk membuka segala macam perbatasan di jalur Gaza dan mengizinkan pergerakan orang dan barang.
Adapun yang menyatakan kemenangan Hamas bukan hanya Hamas saja, tetapi juga rakyat Israel dan Knesset (Parlemen Israel) (lihat http://www.voa-islam.com/news/world-world/2012/11/22/21897/knesset-sebut-militer-israel-anjing-paranoid/). Bahkan dalam negeri Israel sendiri akan diadakan komite yang akan membahas kegagalan operasi militer Israel dalam Pillar Operation yang berlangsung 8 hari ini.
Hamas bukan hanya dalam pertempuran fisik dan diplomasi saja tetapi
juga dalam perang media. Pemberitaan media-media Barat selama ini lebih
banyak berpihak kepada Israel dengan lebih banyak memberitakan korban
dari pihak Israel. Tetapi kali ini The Washington Post yang biasanya
lebih "Israel" memasang foto seorang Ayah di Gaza yang sedang
menggendong anaknya yang meninggal di halaman depan sebagai headline
pada tanggal 15 November 2012.
Bukti lainnya kegagalan Israel dalam menguasai media adalah hashtag #Prayforgaza disebut 20 kali lebih banyak daripada hashtag #prayforisrael di twitter.(http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/israel-losing-battle-of-words-on-social-media.html#entry31292214)
Terlepas dari sejumlah fakta bahwa korban di pihak Palestina jauh lebih banyak, peperangan kali ini membuktikan bahwa Palestina berhasil menarik perhatian internasional untuk lebih "didengar". Bahwa kemerdekaan Palestina terletak pada perjuangan rakyat Palestina sendiri, bukan rekan-rekan Arabnya yang justru sibuk ribut sendiri.
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
What Is Hijab?
A friend of mine ask me why I wears hijab? some people wears hijab for fashion. Some people wears hijab to cover their white hairs. Another people do this to cover their aurat (part of body that should'nt be seen by man who aren't your family). The aim is to protect women's respect and dignity from being valued only from their beauty. I wears hijab for the last purpose. I've been wearing hijab from the second year of senior high school. By wearing hijab, I feel protected and respected.
There is a lot of muslimah feel worried to wear hijab. They think they have to be righteous first before wear hijab. I think because we are human, it's human nature to not be perfect. Always do mistake. But human's tend to do mistake is not sufficient enough argument to hinder a muslimah from wear hijab.
By wears hijab, I show the world my identity as muslimah. I show the world that I'm not a perfect one that trying to obey what Allah told us to do. hijab itself is not only Arabian tradition but Allah has order us to cover aurat. Allah is the creator of human, He knows how to treat human. Due to His Knowledge, we are ordered to wear hijab.
Rationally, it's men's nature to pay more attention to women in sexy outfits. They easily distracted by women wearing sexy outfits.
Some feminist stands against hijab because they think it imprisoning women freedom. But i think women will be free in 'full cover' outfits. I've seen many actress wearing sexy outfits and thes seems not free to seats relaxly. They trie to 'protect' their legs by pulling the edge of their mini skirt or close their thigh by pillow. beside that, which one do you choose, being attentive due to your boops size or by your intelligence and integrity?
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