Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

What Is Hijab?

A friend of mine ask me why I wears hijab? some people wears hijab for fashion. Some people wears hijab to cover their white hairs. Another people do this to cover their aurat (part of body that should'nt be seen by man who aren't your family). The aim is to protect women's respect and dignity from being valued only from their beauty. I wears hijab for the last purpose. I've been wearing hijab from the second year of senior high school. By wearing hijab, I feel protected and respected. 
   There is a lot of muslimah feel worried to wear hijab. They think they have to be righteous first before wear hijab. I think because we are human, it's human nature to not be perfect. Always do mistake. But human's tend to do mistake is not sufficient enough argument to hinder a muslimah from wear hijab. 
   By wears hijab, I show the world my identity as muslimah. I show the world that I'm not a perfect one that trying to obey what Allah told us to do. hijab itself is not only Arabian tradition but Allah has order us to cover aurat. Allah is the creator of human, He knows how to treat human. Due to His Knowledge, we are ordered to wear hijab. 
  Rationally, it's men's nature to pay more attention to women in sexy outfits. They easily distracted by women wearing sexy outfits.
  Some feminist stands against hijab because they think it imprisoning women freedom. But i think women will be free in 'full cover' outfits. I've seen many actress wearing sexy outfits and thes seems not free to seats relaxly. They trie to 'protect' their legs by pulling the edge of their mini skirt or close their thigh by pillow. beside that, which one do you choose, being attentive due to your boops size or by your intelligence and integrity?

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