Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

I Finally Get Well from Limphoma Cancer!

 Yesterday in Metro TV on Kick Andy show I see how people fought to get recovered from limphoma cancer. They spent a lot of money to pay for chemoterapy. They pay about 1 million rupiahs (about 100 Us$) each therapy. Their parents fought to get the money for medication by sending proposals to many corporation hoping for donations.
    I remembered that 1 years ago I also suffered from limphoma cancer. I got 13 tumors on my neck on right and left side. The first doctor ask me to get them out of my neck by operation. I disagreed and decided to get second opinion. The second doctor said to do biopsy. After check them on laboratory, I found that it is limphoma cancer. 
   But instead doing chemotherapy, I prefer alternative medication by doing reflexology. Reflexology is like acupuncture but using massage methode, not using needle. Not all reflexology is good, but my clinic is the good one. The massage therapy is really painful. They use wooden stick to pressure your hands and legs in many spot that links to the disease. Beside that you are forbidden to eat many kind of food, mostly of them are my favourite food such as chocolate, eggs, milk, cheese, prawn, crab, and beef (Oh My God, I have to avoid them until I get well!) . I also ate 10 capsules of jamu (Indonesian traditional medicine) after dinner (it means 30 capsules a day).
   After 1 years of painful therapy and get tortured by delicious food I saw, finally I get well and be able to continue my law study in Padjadjaran University. Eventhough the therapist still told me to avoid these delicious food :'( But gratefully I can survive from that dangerous cancer. One of my fried died from the same cancer. I want to say thanks to my therapist. Unfortunately, he had died due to old age. My quote for you suferring for cancer: Don't give up!

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